Tuesday 28 January 2014

Prayer request please!

I am heading off to see our doctor down South early tomorrow morning, as I have been experiencing troubles with my port as of late. The catheter attached to my port has been causing me pain for weeks now (normally I can't feel it at all). We tried the ER closer to home (since it would be nice to avoid the 6 hour drive!) but it didn’t provide the answers needed. Last week I had to remove my gripper the pain was so bad, and have been without my IV fluids for over a week now. I am dehydrated as a result, which causes great pain in addition to my chest and neck pain. Please pray that they can isolate the cause of the pain, and find some sort of remedy.

I also want to thank you all for the prayers; the anonymous and the thoughtful “pick-me-ups”; and encouraging words after my last post. Mentally I am feeling worlds better, and I know I owe it to your care and concern, and many answered prayers.

Blessings and love,


Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."   ~John 13:7


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kate,
    I'm very sorry to hear the struggles you're having with Lyme disease and the treatment which you need. As I was catching up with a friend today, (Sarah P, I think she said she knew you, or maybe just your sister-in-law Katie...I can't recall now...I'll blame the fatigue...or "brain fog" as I like to call it), she recommended your blog to me; I've been sick since August and have just recently come to suspect Lyme; I'm in the process of trying to get my doctor to refer me to a specialist for diagnosis but already I am beyond fed up with being sick. I can't even imagine feeling like this for the duration that you have. I will most definitely be praying for you and lifting up my struggles for you, your family, your travels and all the health care providers that will be working with you.
    I've only read a few of your posts so far but I can see the strength and conviction of your faith in the midst of the storm before you; I'm also very impressed that on top of everything going on, you find time where you have the clarity to write...more days than not the brain fog is so bad that finding the right words to string together is a challenge. I won't admit how long it took my to write this comment...lol...sometimes I just have to laugh at myself.
    Along with the lack of appetite, reflux, and nausea I've developed two stomach ulcers so I am most definitely going to be using your Alkaline diet rules and your recipes, that is when I have the energy to bake lol; it was hard trying to find time to bake prior to all this...
    If you have any other tips I would be grateful to hear them. marycrowley_77@hotmail.com
    Peace and Prayers,
