Wednesday 28 May 2014

Are you SERIOUS?!!

Well, I didn’t think I would be writing this soon again. At least, I sure hoped I wouldn’t need to.

My line—my new line—has been punctured. I don’t know how, or why this happened (or keeps happening to me, for that matter!) All has been healing and performing well, until Sunday evening when I started my pump back up, and I felt liquid spurt out of my line in rhythm with the machine. At first I thought maybe the connectors weren’t screwed together all the way; but sure enough, I looked down, and saw this:

In case you can't tell, the yellow tip should be inside the tube, not poking out!

Since it is the type of catheter that doesn't come with, or typically require, a clamp (unless, that is, it becomes compromised) I was without. I had to rig one up using a chip bag clip and some medical tape to ensure it stayed locked tight to prevent infection from traveling up the line, and into my heart.

Monday was spent with my sister-in-law  driving out to see my regular nurses who couldn’t do anything for me; wrangling my four year old and his two-year-old cousin; driving all the way back to an ER in town where they STILL couldn’t do anything for me, and going home defeated. Thank heaven for my sister-in-law (and brother), who took Jack home when Matt met up with us at  ER so the poor little guy didn't have to put up with all of the boredom and waiting that we had to! Also, thanks to the kindness of a good friend, we were able to send a prepared meal home with my family, since by this time, it was well into the dinner hour.

The whole day I thought to myself: why is this happening? I know I need these meds—I can hardly form a full sentence anymore the Lyme is taking over so bad. The greater question is: why does this have to be SO hard? I don’t want to make another 6 hour drive again so soon. I am weary just thinking about it! I know that I should be thankful I have a doctor that is willing to fight alongside me, despite the distance between us; but perspective gets skewed in the midst of trial.

Prayers, please, that my doctor can fix this without having to remove the line and perform yet another surgery; for a positive frame of mind; peace; and safe travels. We hit the road first thing in the morning!



“My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.
Psalm 119:50

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Deuteronomy 31:8


  1. THis happened to me, twice. In the end, the amazing RNs just took apart a new kit, and replace the external line and attachments with new parts. No surgeries needed. It took some convincing and encouragement. Pep talking the nurses into having the courage to take apart kits and just do a repair job instead of waiting around for a doctor who in the end will always opt to remove the entire line and make you endure another surgery.

    1. Fortunately for me, I have an amazing doctor who was able to fix it without surgery. Thank goodness for that, and for the hands at work :)

  2. Hi Kate, it's Michele Sorochan. I stumbled across your blog a while ago after hearing from Simon about you being ill. I just wanted to let you know that I think of you often and of course wish you and your whole family the best.

    1. Michele-- so good to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out, and for your well-wishes. They are truly appreciated. Hope all is well with you.
