Tuesday 30 July 2013

Just a quick update to let you all know what is going on. 

So after last Tuesday’s fiasco, we contacted our amazing doctor down south, who heard the whole story, and said, much to our relief, that she would book us in. She asked when Matt was off work, and I told her that he was on holidays, but that I hoped, if possible, to wait until Jack's swimming lessons (that started today) were done. She tentatively scheduled me in for the 12th, and I let out a huge sigh of relief. It was getting done, and I would have time to fully wrap my head around it.

Saturday evening we had to race to the ER because my peripheral IV (as it turned out) had a clot in it; and as a result, was leaking when we tried to flush it, etc. So, out it came, and a new one went in. In my hand (One of the worst places EVER.). It couldn't have been more painful during or after had she tried three times. Not to her discredit-- she was nice, and seemed very knowledgeable. After searching for a whole hour to find a usable vein, and two ineffective pokes later, third time was the charm! She said that I had no more usable veins, and both she and the attending doctor said that I needed to do whatever I could to speed up my port replacement. I emailed our doctor as soon as we got home to notify her of what had happened, and see if I could put in the request.

We got a call this afternoon. "Does Wednesday work?" she asked, on the other side of the line. “Uhhh, this Wednesday?” Yes. It “just so happened” (wink, winkThanks God!) that an extra day was created, freeing up a schedule that was packed solid for the next two weeks. "We'll be there!" we said, and immediately I went into panic mode. I wasn't ready for this. I thought I had two weeks to psych myself up for it. We had friends coming for dinner, and we had mountains of laundry to do so we could pack! Not to mention our plans to go back to the ER to get another line placed after toughing it out for two days with a line so painful I eventually couldn't run anything through it! There began the rest of our long, busy day of preparing to leave in the morning.

And here we are! Mostly packed, slightly settled down, with a new IV (that was placed almost painlessly on the first try-- she must have been an angel!), and waiting to leave in the morning. Deep breath. Here we go again!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers over the past while here-- I know they have helped in guiding our journey and carrying us along!

Blessings and prayers,


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